Liquid shortlisted four times in PRCA DARE Awards

Liquid has been shortlisted for four top PR awards – including best consultancy – by a leading professional organisation.
The quartet of nominations in the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) DARE Awards 2019 recognises the breath of expertise throughout the organisation – and follows a national shortlisting in the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Excellence Awards earlier this month.
For the PRCA DARE Awards, Liquid’s teams in the Channel Islands and Birmingham have been shortlisted separately in the flagship Large Consultancy of the Year category for the South West & Wales and the Midlands respectively.
Liquid, which is marking its 15th anniversary, has received two further nominations for Integrated Campaign of the Year and Charity / Not For Profit Award for its #ItTakes2 campaign for the Westfield Health British Transplant Games.
The Games, which were held in Birmingham in 2018, celebrate the achievements of transplant patients and are designed to encourage people to sign the NHS Organ Donor Register. There are 6,000 people waiting for a transplant in the UK and three people die every day due to a shortage of donors.
During the Liquid campaign, there was a 7.2% increase in organ donor registrations, breaking the target set by the Games’ organisers by 75%. More than 76,0000 people signed the donor register in the West Midlands – 5,145 more than the previous year.
The awards ceremonies for the South West & Wales and the Midlands take place on June 13 and July 3.