
Our home… the second city!
A team of brilliant PR professionals, designers and marketers at the helm who offer their expertise and provide creative and innovative solutions.
From our press office to our in-house design studio and bespoke professional kitchen, we’re not an ordinary PR agency – we’re specialists who deliver impactful results. Amassed experience and skills catering for each sector specialism, covering everything from traditional communications to creative campaigns, we’re a PR agency like no other.
Liquid’s CEO, Elisabeth Lewis-Jones, is based in our Birmingham office, along with our Chef director, David Colcombe. David – a member of the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts – heads up our food team, a group of of PR professionals, food stylists, photographers, copywriters, dieticians and consultants. Our food team offer brand representation, PR, product promotion, menu and recipe development, restaurant consultancy, media relations and creative events management for launches, food festivals and bespoke occasions.
As a Birmingham PR agency born and bred, we are ideally placed to work with clients based in Birmingham city centre. Our clients include Transport for West Midlands, West Midlands 5G, WMAHSN and Birmingham City Council. We are also proud to have worked with The Great Birmingham Run, the British Transplant Games and the Commonwealth Games.
Where to find us
Located in New Oxford House on Waterloo Street, in the centre of the Colmore Business District.